Released: 2014-08-18
Download XQuartz-2.7.7.dmg, and open it in macOS’s Installer.
Important Notices
OS Requirements
macOS 10.6.3 or later is required to install this package.
Default X11 Server
If this is your first time installing XQuartz, you may wish to logout and log back in to update your DISPLAY environment variable.
Changes in 2.7.7
- All changes in 2.7.6 plus:
- app:
- lib:
- proto:
- glproto 1.4.17
- inputproto 2.3.1
- xcb-proto 1.11
- server:
- xorg-server 1.15.2 plus other patches
- Fixes multimonitor support on Mavericks (#832, #1876)
- Fix Xephyr “failed to create root window” bug (#822)
- Fix a crash resulting from a rare race condition in fd handoff (#869)
- xorg-server 1.15.2 plus other patches