Released: 2012-06-01
Download XQuartz-2.7.2.dmg, and open it in macOS’s Installer.
Important Notices
OS Requirements
macOS 10.6.3 or later is required to install this package.
Default X11 Server
If this is your first time installing XQuartz, you may wish to logout and log back in to update your DISPLAY environment variable.
Changes in 2.7.2
- All changes in 2.7.1 plus:
- app:
- bitmap 1.0.6
- fslsfonts 1.0.4
- fstobdf 1.0.5
- listres 1.0.3
- luit 1.1.1
- setxkbmap 1.3.0
- quartz-wm 1.3.1
- Plus a fix for a crash when minimizing windows without titles
- xauth 1.0.7
- xcmsdb 1.0.4
- xcompmgr 1.1.6
- xcursor 1.0.5
- xev 1.2.0
- xfd 1.1.1
- xfs 1.1.2
- xhost 1.0.5
- xinput 1.6.0
- xkbcomp 1.2.4
- xfontsel 1.0.4
- xgamma 1.0.5
- xkbevd 1.1.3
- xload 1.1.1
- xlogo 1.0.4
- xlsatoms 1.1.1
- xlsfonts 1.0.4
- xmodmap 1.0.7
- xpr 1.0.4
- xscope 1.3.1
- xterm 278
- xwd 1.0.5
- xwud 1.0.4
- lib:
- cairo 1.12.2
- freeglut 2.8.0
- freetype 2.4.9
- libdmx 1.1.2
- libfontenc 1.1.1
- libFS 1.0.4
- libICE 1.0.8
- libpng 1.2.49
- libpng 1.4.11
- libpng 1.5.10
- libSM 1.2.1
- libX11
- libXau 1.0.7
- libXaw 1.0.10
- libXaw3d 1.6.2
- libXcursor 1.1.13
- libxcb 1.8.1
- Plus a fix for xcb_connect incorrectly trying tcp on failure
- libXdmcp 1.1.1
- libXext 1.3.1
- libXfont 1.4.5
- libXft 2.3.0
- Plus a fix for a bold font regression
- libXi 1.6.1
- libXinerama 1.1.2
- libxkbfile 1.0.8
- libXmu 1.1.1
- libXpm 3.5.10
- libXrender 0.9.7
- libXres 1.0.6
- libXScrnSaver 1.2.2
- libXt 1.1.3
- libXtst 1.2.1
- libXv 1.0.7
- libXvMC 1.0.7
- libXxf86dga 1.1.3
- libXxf86vm 1.1.2
- mesa 8.0.3
- Including fixes for two crashes, a memory leak, and regressions (#512, #575)
- xpyb 1.3.1
- xtrans 1.2.7
- misc:
- proto:
- pkg:
- The installer and executables are now signed with an Apple DeveloperID for increased security.
- You should be able to install it with Gatekeeper set to “Mac App Store and identified developers”
- The installer and executables are now signed with an Apple DeveloperID for increased security.
- server:
- xf86-input-void 1.4.0
- xf86-video-dummy 0.3.5
- xorg-server 1.12.2 plus other patches
- Xfake, Xvfb, Xfake are now using the same server version as XQuartz
- Xephyr is still using 1.6.5-apple3
- Xorg binary is now installed as well, for use with the dummy, nested, or vnc drivers (experts only, not yet fully supported)
- Improved support for Xi2 including sub-pixel resolution of valuators and smooth scrolling
- Workaround a wine bug in mouse input
- Address a race condition at startup that affects tablets and VMWare users (#579)